January 10, 2011

Audi R8 Optical Illusion

When I announced that you can expect more classy optical illusions in the future, this is just what I had in mind. Before we start, I’d like to thank Xaver Nitsch for creating this original optical illusion just for us! Now, I’m perfectly aware we already had dozen of relative sizes illusions. We even had a very similar one including Range Rovers. BTW, this is where Xaver probably got his inspiration in the first place… But wait! This one is different. I won’t explain it though, I’m just gonna ask you a simple question – Which one of these three Audi’s (R8) do you think is the largest? Don’t rush, take your time. I have included an expandable solution just below the original image. When you think you know what is going on here, you may expand the box containing the answer. Be aware that the answer image is actually an animation. Wait for a few seconds before it starts. What do you think of this illusion now? Was this what you expected?

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