January 11, 2011

Hannibal Lecter Made of Pigeons Illusion

Funny thing, yesterday I received two illusions where the main role is played by pigeons. So let’s call today’s post Double Illusion. First illusion below is a picture of Hannibal Lecter made up of pigeons. If you somehow missed it, Hannibal Lecter is the cannibal played by Anthony Hopkins in “Silence of The Lambs” (and later in “Hannibal” and “Red Dragon”). It is really cool composition submitted by Joise Peterson. It look very familiar, right? No wonder, we posted very similar illusion month ago, called “Motorbike Faces“. Check it.
The second submission was submitted by Johan Deknudt and shows the attack of giant pigeons. Hope they don’t go crazy like those crazy birds in Hitchcock’s movie, and slay everyone. Johan wrote: “I recently become a regular visitor on Mighty Optical Illusions. Through a feed subscription, and started looking in family pictures if I could spot accidental illusions. I haven’t found any (yet). I’ll mail another picture next week. I stumbled upon this while browsing through my rss news feeds. The Irony of this article is that there is a plague of pigeons in Liverpool. The photographer took the picture like so the pigeons appear bigger then they are to focus the attention on the pigeons :P if you catch my drift”. It’s relative sizes illusion, if you didn’t get it by now :)

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