January 11, 2011

Nissan Impossible Billboards

So we have official driven this site together to over 17 million unique visitors count. The key word is “together”, even though you are the ones that made this possible – I still take care of the backbone ;) One of the most important things that has happened to this website, is the optical illusion of the day widget. The time has come to make this website more professional and perceive it more serious. I have some plans of hiring people to help make it even better. Programmers, coders, writers, marketers and ad sales team is something I had in mind. Does anyone have experience with any of this? What can you suggest? How does one hire a team that takes care of private ad sales? I’d like to pay someone just for finding advertisers that would want to advertise on this site, but where to find such person or site-specific ad representation company? Which are the best people in town for driving web traffic, branding the site and marketing it to wide audience? Who’s in for little brainstorming? I need connections, hopefully in USA for this to succeed… Ok, back to the topic. I have prepared something casual. These 3 billboards from Nissan show you rough path that Mighty Optical Illusions website has passed in it’s 2 and half years of existence. Seems impossible when I roll the film back, but still – we are here, and more stronger than ever. No goal is impossible, if you dedicate yourself enough!

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